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Hey I’m Andrew Erickson.

I run a multi 7-figure Amazon Business that has transformed my lifestyle in so many incredible ways

But I didn’t start on Amazon…
I actually started out as a software engineer.

It was a decent career…

A steady pay cheque...

But it didn’t give me the freedom I craved.

Which is why I ventured into the world of e-commerce.

I started on Etsy.

I was hustling HARD.

And I eventually hit so many sales that I hired my first team.

But the limitations of scaling on Etsy led me to make the move to Amazon.

I bet you’ve used Etsy in the past to find ideas for products, right?

You manually search through listings to get inspiration for products…

And you end up with a few decent ideas.

But it takes a ton of time and effort.

I knew there was a way to do this faster, easier, and more effectively.

So I used my computer coding skills to create a program that lasered in on the top performing Etsy listings.

While I knew that Etsy was an excellent resource…

And I had success on the platform as a seller...

The results I experienced blew me away.

The product opportunities this program identified ended up being the products that scaled my Amazon Business from $0-$2 Million per year.

Because here’s the thing a lot of Sellers don’t realize…

ANYTHING on Etsy can be made in a factory in China, Taiwan, or any other manufacturing hub.

If you think Etsy is all personalized trinkets that can’t possibly be scaled then you’re missing out on a goldmine of proven product ideas.

There are MILLIONS of products on Etsy that will provide you with the product opportunities you need to dominate your category and drastically increase your sales.

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